
სავარჯიშო 1
  1. A; B

  2. D; D

  3. A; D

  4. E; B

  5. A; E

  6. E

  7. D; B

  8. A; D

  9. B; A

სავარჯიშო 4.1
  1. Does she play

  2. don’t often watch

  3. goes

  4. plays

  5. carries

  6. Do the children often swim

  7. dresses

  8. changes

  9. doesn’t use

  10. cries

სავარჯიშო 4.2
  1. rises; sets

  2. reads

  3. brush

  4. revolves

  5. Does sound travel

  6. studies

  7. Do people speak

  8. get

  9. teaches

  10. prays

  11. doesn’t boil

სავარჯიშო 4.3
  1. We often go to the cinema on Saturdays.

  2. My schedule is usually busy on weekdays.

  3. Do you rarely eat fast food?

  4. I brush my teeth three times a day.

  5. He never misses a deadline.

  6. Do you work out several times a week?

  7. She doesn’t often travel abroad for work.

  8. Do you always have coffee with your breakfast?

  9. They don’t walk their dog every single day.

  10. Do you often drink coffee in the morning?

სავარჯიშო 5.1
  1. Tell

  2. Clean

  3. don’t make

  4. Go

  5. don’t shave

  6. don’t be

  7. Drink

  8. Read

სავარჯიშო 5.2
  1. Let’s

  2. let me

  3. Let’s

  4. Let’s; Let me

  5. let me

  6. Let’s / Let me

  7. Let’s; Let me

  8. Let’s

  9. Let me

  10. Let’s

სავარჯიშო 6
  1. do the dishes

  2. does his best

  3. do the shopping

  4. does her hair

  5. does the cooking

  6. do (their) homework

  7. do me a favor

  8. do yoga

  9. do harm

  10. do the laundry

სავარჯიშო 7
  1. were

  2. are

  3. weren’t

  4. Were

  5. isn’t

  6. Are

  7. Is

  8. was

  9. am

  10. am not

  11. aren’t

  12. were

სავარჯიშო 8
  1. rising

  2. crying

  3. falling

  4. sleeping

  5. Developing

  6. swimming

  7. dying

  8. boiling

სავარჯიშო 9.1
  1. are planning

  2. is getting

  3. is cooking

  4. is sleeping

  5. are studying

  6. am working; sending

  7. is using; is eating

  8. is changing

  9. Are you watching

  10. is asking

სავარჯიშო 9.2
  1. is always barking

  2. always wears

  3. always remembers

  4. is always playing

  5. are always arguing

  6. always sleeps

სავარჯიშო 10.1
  1. studies

  2. is reading

  3. study / are studying; are attending

  4. am looking

  5. produces; is planning

  6. sleep

  7. plays

  8. is hosting; opens

  9. are watching

  10. am studying; study

  11. are migrating; migrate

  12. is living

  13. teaches; is learning

  14. are doing

  15. prefers

  16. works; is taking

  17. are building

  18. jog; am walking

  19. drinks

  20. snows

  21. lives; is visiting

  22. is learning

  23. own; are staying

  24. go; are trying

  25. manages; selects; is organizing; are arranging

სავარჯიშო 10.2
  1. right now

  2. at the moment

  3. These days

  4. every summer

  5. every day

  6. from time to time

  7. sometimes / often

  8. still

  9. every now and then

  10. every spring

  11. on Saturdays

  12. at the moment

  13. this week / now

  14. is always

  15. sometimes jog

სავარჯიშო 11.1
  1. loves

  2. is watching

  3. tastes; smells

  4. am thinking

  5. believes

  6. are walking

  7. drinks; prefers

  8. wants

  9. are having

  10. knows; grows

  11. is painting

  12. Do you know

  13. means

  14. are playing

  15. knows

  16. are building

  17. Is she studying

  18. matters

  19. belongs

  20. are staying

სავარჯიშო 11.2
  1. think; am thinking

  2. is looking; looks

  3. are you tasting; tastes

  4. is smelling; smell

  5. is having; has; are having

  6. weighs; is weighing

  7. is being; is

  8. see; am seeing; sees

სავარჯიშო 12
  1. I promise

  2. I apologize

  3. I thank you

  4. I insist

  5. I suggest

  6. I accept

  7. I agree

სავარჯიშო 14.1
  1. walked; bought

  2. drank

  3. did the company employ

  4. woke up; read

  5. sang

  6. Did the detectives study

  7. broke

  8. drew

სავარჯიშო 14.2
  1. wrote; sent

  2. Did you see

  3. found; brought

  4. heard; called

  5. bought

  6. drove; swam

  7. Did it rain

  8. didn’t eat; went

  9. spoke

  10. explained; asked; gave

  11. didn’t carry

  12. Did she really pray

სავარჯიშო 15
  1. was / used to be

  2. visited

  3. went

  4. showed / used to show / would show

  5. had / used to have

  6. traveled

  7. took / used to take / would take

  8. owned / used to own

სავარჯიშო 16
  1. was reading

  2. were driving

  3. was watching

  4. was baking

  5. was talking

  6. were having

  7. were swimming

  8. was barking

სავარჯიშო 17.1
  1. were discussing; went out

  2. was setting; were taking

  3. finished; checked

  4. stepped; started

  5. was making; was decorating

  6. was doing; heard

  7. were playing; were gardening

  8. was riding; flew

  9. sent; didn’t reply

  10. was typing; stopped

  11. were hiking; saw

  12. was fixing; left

  13. was painting; was planting

სავარჯიშო 17.2
  1. when

  2. While / When

  3. while / as

  4. while / when

  5. when

  6. as

სავარჯიშო 19
  1. are having a chat

  2. are having a lot of fun

  3. had a holiday

  4. had a break

  5. are having an argument

  6. had dinner

  7. is having a bath

სავარჯიშო 20
  1. broken

  2. written

  3. forgotten

  4. fried

  5. closed

  6. fallen

  7. stolen

  8. frozen

სავარჯიშო 21
  1. has tasted

  2. Has she ever visited

  3. has tried

  4. hasn’t read

  5. have read

  6. Have you attended

  7. has never failed

  8. has never forgotten

  9. have ever seen

  10. have climbed

სავარჯიშო 22.1
  1. found / has found

  2. cooked / have cooked

  3. has attended

  4. lost; found / has found

  5. visited

  6. have visited

  7. went

  8. have never visited

  9. finished

  10. fell off

  11. sent / have sent

  12. repaired

  13. discovered

  14. Have you ever tried

  15. met / have met

  16. baked / has baked

  17. has attended

  18. started

  19. developed

  20. called

  21. have run

  22. constructed

  23. Have you ever seen

  24. have solved

სავარჯიშო 22.2
  1. broke; has recovered

  2. landed

  3. lost; hasn’t found

  4. have already watched; saw

  5. met

  6. Have you read; studied

  7. moved / have moved; lived

  8. launched; hasn’t achived

  9. finished / has finished; started

  10. flew

  11. have traveled; haven’t visited

სავარჯიშო 23
  1. has been painting

  2. have been working out

  3. Have they been playing

  4. has been cooking

  5. has been washing

  6. has been fixing

სავარჯიშო 24.1
  1. I’ve been cleaning

  2. has planted

  3. I’ve packed

  4. has been reading; has read

  5. have been attending

  6. I’ve updated

  7. has been learning; has completed

  8. have been decorating

  9. have been calling

  10. She’s been planting

  11. have answered

  12. have visited

  13. I’ve been arranging

სავარჯიშო 24.2
  1. since

  2. for

  3. for

  4. since

  5. since

  6. for

სავარჯიშო 25.1
  1. has been reading

  2. have had

  3. have been traveling

  4. worked

  5. have known

  6. has worked / has been working

  7. studied

  8. have possessed

  9. have studied / have been studying

  10. has lived / has been living

  11. played

  12. has loved

  13. has felt / has been feeling

  14. has owned

  15. have been cooking

  16. lived

სავარჯიშო 25.2
  1. to

  2. to

  3. in

  4. to

  5. in

სავარჯიშო 27
  1. had finished

  2. had never traveled

  3. had already left

  4. had heard

  5. had eaten

  6. had visited

  7. had learned

სავარჯიშო 28
  1. found out; had taken

  2. started; hadn’t chosen

  3. apologized; had realized

  4. had arrived; started

  5. were; had won

  6. handed in; had written

  7. had planned; hit

სავარჯიშო 29
  1. had owned

  2. had been traveling

  3. had studied / had been studying

  4. had been raining

  5. had been writing

  6. had been

სავარჯიშო 30
  1. was shining; were singing; opened; realized

  2. got; had started; grabbed; joined

  3. woke up; brushed; made

  4. was shining; were hooting

  5. was playing; stepped; started

  6. chose; started; were watching; realized; had already seen

სავარჯიშო 31.1
  1. will rise

  2. will take

  3. Will the new shopping mall open

  4. will close

  5. will drop

სავარჯიშო 31.2
  1. is going to graduate

  2. is going to be

  3. Is she going to start

  4. is going to move

  5. are going to announce

სავარჯიშო 32
  1.  ✓

  2.  ✓

  3.  ✓

  4.  ✓

  5.  ✓

  6.  ✓

  7.  ✓

  8.  ✓

  9.  ✓

სავარჯიშო 33

(will ზმნის ნაცვლად ყველა პასუხში შესაძლებელია be going to ფრაზის გამოყენება)

  1. will be traveling

  2. will be presenting

  3. will be eating

  4. will be finishing

  5. will be working

  6. will be watching

სავარჯიშო 34

(will ზმნის ნაცვლად ყველა პასუხში შესაძლებელია be going to ფრაზის გამოყენება)

  1. will have completed

  2. will have finished

  3. won’t have saved

  4. will have submitted

  5. won’t have finished

სავარჯიშო 35

(will ზმნის ნაცვლად ყველა პასუხში შესაძლებელია be going to ფრაზის გამოყენება)

  1. will have been traveling

  2. will have been hiking

  3. will have been living

  4. will have been working

სავარჯიშო 36.1
  1. will be sitting

  2. will have saved

  3. will celebrate / will be celebrating

  4. will announce

  5. will have moved

  6. will be working

  7. will have been studying

  8. won’t return / won’t have returned

  9. will be planting

  10. won’t have repaired

  11. will open

  12. will be meeting

სავარჯიშო 36.2
  1. will / is going to

  2. by

  3. been renovating

  4. will / are going to

  5. be traveling

  6. until / by

  7. by

  8. will not / am not going to

  9. am going to

  10. returned

  11. will / is going to

  12. are going to

  13. are going to

  14. have submitted

სავარჯიშო 37
  1. leaves

  2. am meeting

  3. are going

  4. does the movie start

  5. is travelling

  6. opens

  7. are having

  8. departs

  9. is attending

  10. are planning

  11. takes

  12. starts

  13. is flying

  14. are organizing

სავარჯიშო 38
  1. I would see you

  2. I was going to win the competition

  3. they were going to cancel the meeting

  4. she would get the job

  5. We were going to go hiking

  6. would be celebrating

  7. was going to start a new art class

  8. would not approve of her decision

  9. the lesson started at 7 o’clock

  10. was moving to a new city.

  11. would finish the renovation

  12. We were going to watch the sunrise

სავარჯიშო 39.1
  1. will cancel; rains

  2. arrives

  3. will be; decides

  4. finish

  5. is; will boost

სავარჯიშო 39.2
  1. arrive; will start

  2. finish; will call

  3. will he finish

  4. are; will clean

  5. will they announce

  6. ends

  7. completes; will join

  8. will you return

  9. starts

  10. stops

სავარჯიშო 41.1
  1. can

  2. can’t; can

  3. can’t; can

  4. Can

  5. can’t

  6. Can

  7. can’t

  8. Can

  9. can

  10. can’t

  11. can’t

სავარჯიშო 41.2
  1. be able to

  2. have been able to

  3. were able to

  4. will be able to

  5. to be able to

  6. has been able to

  7. is able to

  8. will be able to

  9. was able to

  10. isn’t able to

სავარჯიშო 41.3
  1. will be able to / can

  2. will be able to

  3. won’t be able to / can’t

  4. will be able to / can

  5. will be able to

  6. will be able to

სავარჯიშო 41.4
  1. wasn’t able to / couldn’t

  2. were able to

  3. was able to / could

  4. was able to / could

  5. was able to

  6. weren’t able to / couldn’t

  7. was able to

  8. were able to / could

  9. wasn’t able to / couldn’t

  10. were able to

სავარჯიშო 42
  1. lose

  2. become

  3. imagine

  4. have brought

  5. have been

  6. be

  7. have joined

  8. start

  9. move

  10. have won

  11. have saved

  12. have gone

სავარჯიშო 43
  1. have to / must

  2. mustn’t

  3. doesn’t have to

  4. won’t have to wait

  5. has to / must

  6. had to

  7. doesn’t have to

  8. mustn’t

  9. will have to

  10. had to

  11. don’t have to / won’t have to

  12. have to / will have to / must

  13. won’t have to

  14. have to / must

  15. didn’t have to

  16. don’t have to / won’t have to

  17. don’t have to

  18. didn’t have to

  19. mustn’t

  20. didn’t have to

სავარჯიშო 44
  1. shouldn’t work so much overtime

  2. should eat healthier food

  3. shouldn’t waste money on unnecessary things

  4. should work on his confidence

  5. shouldn’t be so hard on herself

  6. shouldn’t spend so much time on social media

  7. should recycle more

სავარჯიშო 45.1
  1. have arrived

  2. have called

  3. check

  4. take

  5. start

  6. have taken

  7. drink

  8. have checked

  9. have explained

  10. organize

სავარჯიშო 45.2
  1. could take

  2. could have asked

  3. should apologize

  4. should have apologized

  5. should read

  6. Should I apply

  7. should leave

  8. could try

  9. could have informed

  10. should have studied

სავარჯიშო 46
  1. Could

  2. can / will

  3. Would

  4. could / can

  5. May

  6. Shall / Should / Can

  7. Could / Will

  8. May / Can

  9. Would

  10. Could / Will / Would

  11. can / will

  12. Would

სავარჯიშო 47
  1. May / Could

  2. Can / May / Could

  3. Can / May / Shall / Should

  4. may not

  5. Can / Could / Will / Would

  6. May / Could / Can

  7. will / can

  8. will / can

  9. can’t

  10. may not

  11. Can / Coul / May; can / may

სავარჯიშო 48
  1. will go

  2. will watch

  3. will read

  4. will sometimes call

  5. will often spend

  6. will regularly host

სავარჯიშო 49.1
  1. can’t

  2. could not

  3. may / might / could

  4. might not / may not

  5. may / might / could

  6. will

  7. must

სავარჯიშო 49.2
  1. I may / might / could have left my keys in the car.

  2. It may / might / could be the best pizza I’ve ever tasted.

  3. He can’t / couldn’t be guilty.

  4. He may / might / could change his mind after hearing the arguments.

  5. He must have made significant progress in his research as he is publishing the article soon.

  6. They must be working right now.

სავარჯიშო 49.3
  1. must be

  2. may / might / could have divorced

  3. may / might not be

  4. will win

  5. can’t / couldn’t be

  6. can’t / couldn’t be

  7. must drink

  8. may / might / could / must have won

  9. can’t / couldn’t be

  10. may / might / could take

  11. must be

  12. can’t / couldn’t have finished

  13. can’t / couldn’t be

  14. may / might / could come back

  15. must be celebrating

  16. must have died

  17. may / might / could be

  18. must be raining

  19. will get

  20. must be

  21. must have said

  22. must be

  23. will complete / will have completed

  24. can’t / couldn’t be sleeping

სავარჯიშო 51.1
  1. The meals are prepared every day (by the chef).

  2. The championship trophy will be awarded by the mayor.

  3. The novel was written by George Orwell.

  4. The new smartphone model will be released next month.

  5. Drinks are ordered at the counter.

  6. The plants are watered regularly (by the gardener).

  7. The program is managed by a team of experienced professionals.

  8. Cars are fixed in the garage.

  9. The song was composed by Mozart in the 18th century.

  10. The final decision is going to be announced (by the committee) next week.

  11. The documents were signed yesterday.

სავარჯიშო 51.2
  1. are brought

  2. are cleaned

  3. is turned

  4. is shredded

  5. is mixed

  6. is spread out

  7. is removed

  8. is dried

  9. is rolled up

  10. is cut

  11. packaged

  12. is sent

სავარჯიშო 52
  1. A new dish is being prepared (by the chefs) in the kitchen.

  2. The choir was being led by the school’s music teacher. Mr. Smith, during the rehearsal.

  3. Flowers were being planted in the garden (by the gardener) when it started to rain.

  4. A new house is being built on the street.

  5. Groundbreaking research was being conducted by Dr. Baker when I joined the team.

  6. A community cleanup is being organized by local volunteers this weekend.

სავარჯიშო 53
  1. A new species has been discovered (by scientists).

  2. The construction will have been finished by next month.

  3. An exquisite meal had been prepared (by the chef) by the time the guests arrived.

  4. The project has been completed ahead of schedule.

  5. The project had been completed before the deadline (by the team).

  6. A new product line will have been released by next year.

  7. The problem will have been solved (by scientists) by the end of the decade.

  8. My car has been stolen.

სავარჯიშო 54
  1. Many interesting books can be found in this library.

  2. The project must be completed by next week.

  3. The entire report could have been written last night.

  4. The applications should be submitted before the deadline.

  5. A new novel might be written by George R. R. Martin next year.

  6. We should have been informed about the changes.

  7. The proposal may not be approved by the manager.

  8. The documents might have been misplaced.

  9. The product will be launched by Microsoft in the spring.

  10. The final draft of the report must be approved by the committee.

სავარჯიშო 55
  1. by; with

  2. by

  3. with

  4. with

  5. by

  6. by

  7. by

  8. by; with

სავარჯიშო 56
  1. The walls got painted yesterday.

  2. Dinner is getting cooked by Dad right now.

  3. New flowers have gotten planted (by the gardener) in the garden.

  4. The car will have gotten fixed by the time I get to the garage.

  5. The documents will get signed during the meeting.

  6. This problem can get solved easily by my team.

სავარჯიშო 57.1
  1. The teacher assigned a project to the students.

  2. She showed her family the pictures.

  3. She cooked a delicious meal for her family.

  4. They gave their parents the tickets.

  5. The chef prepared a special dish for the guests.

  6. He bought a bicycle for his son.

  7. He told a funny joke to his friend.

  8. They offered the candidate the job.

სავარჯიშო 57.2
  1. were given new homework | was given to the students

  2. was bought a new car by the company | was bought for her by the company

  3. were taught a new strategy (by the coach) | was taught to the players (by the coach)

  4. were being shown some techniques (by the instructor) | were being shown to the students (by the instructor)

  5. has been sent the latest article by the author | has been sent to the editor by the author

  6. is going to be given some advice by the lawyer | is going to be given to the client by the lawyer

  7. can be offered several solutions by the consultant | can be offered to the client by the consultant

  8. should be given the necessary documents | should be given to the accountant

სავარჯიშო 58.1

(have ზმნის ნაცვლად ყველა პასუხში შესაძლებელია get ზმნის გამოყენება)

  1. have their house cleaned

  2. had the report written

  3. had her car repaired

  4. is having / will have / is going to have his book published

  5. was having her hair styled

  6. is having her computer updated

სავარჯიშო 58.2

(have ზმნის ნაცვლად ყველა პასუხში შესაძლებელია get ზმნის გამოყენება)

  1. have our groceries delivered

  2. has had her phone repaired

  3. will / is going to have the reports reviewed

  4. will / is going to have the laptop replaced

  5. has his hair cut

  6. is having her house painted

  7. has its products manufactured

  8. were having the swimming pool cleaned

  9. is having her piano tuned

  10. were having the heating system installed

სავარჯიშო 58.3

(have ზმნის ნაცვლად ყველა პასუხში შესაძლებელია get ზმნის გამოყენება)

  1. They had their house cleaned.

  2. She had her car repaired (by the mechanic).

  3. Mark is having his pool cleaned

  4. They’ve recently had their website redesigned.

  5. He is going to have his hair cut.

  6. She has her house cleaned every day.

  7. He will have his documents translated before the meeting.

  8. The power went out while she was having her hair dyed.

სავარჯიშო 59.1
  1. Will you be studying

  2. Have they been working

  3. Was he driving

  4. Did you play

  5. Does it rain

  6. Have we finished

  7. Are they working

  8. Did they visit

  9. Are they going to / Will they attend

  10. Have they been

სავარჯიშო 59.2
  1. How did we travel there?

  2. What did the kids make?

  3. Why is he so happy today?

  4. Where did they meet us?

  5. How often does he go to the gym?

  6. What shape is the table we bought?

  7. What color is Ruska’s new car?

  8. How long ago / When did Samantha and I meet?

  9. Whose laptop did he damage?

  10. What time do we watch The Simpsons every day?

  11. How many people did we invite?

  12. Which book in the series is my favorite? / Which is my favorite book in the series?

  13. Who does she love?

  14. Where are we going today?

  15. When did we visit the beach?

  16. How long have they been dating?

  17. Why did I like the dress?

  18. How much does the book cost?

სავარჯიშო 59.3
  1. Why did they attend the meeting?

  2. What do we need the presentation for? / What do we need for the presentation?

  3. How can you solve this problem?

  4. Has he been working on the project since morning?

  5. What are we having for dinner tonight?

  6. What plans do you have for the weekend?

  7. Will there be any food at the event?

  8. When is she celebrating her birthday?

სავარჯიშო 60
  1. Who loves Lasha?

  2. Who does Mariam love?

  3. Who is assigning homework right now?

  4. What did she buy?

  5. Who visited Paris last summer?

  6. What is he watching?

  7. Who baked a delicious cake for Sesili’s birthday?

  8. What does she teach at the language school?

  9. Who won the competition?

  10. Who has he met recently?

  11. Who did they help to move to a new apartment?

  12. Who watched a movie last night?

  13. What was he doing when it started raining?

  14. Who is painting the walls today?

სავარჯიშო 61.1
  1. what time the meeting starts

  2. where the nearest post office is

  3. when the flight departs

  4. how much this book costs

  5. if / whether they are coming to the party

  6. if / whether she has finished her assignment

  7. why he resigned from his job

  8. what time the concert starts

  9. if / whether you have seen my keys

  10. they will enjoy the movie

  11. if / whether the restaurant is open on Sundays

  12. she took the train

სავარჯიშო 61.2
  1. I wonder why she didn’t attend the meeting.

  2. Can you tell me where we are going?

  3. Have you ever been to this restaurant before?

  4. Will the company be open on Monday?

  5. Do you know when her birthday is?

სავარჯიშო 62
  1. Doesn’t she eat

  2. Haven’t you ever tried

  3. Aren’t they working

  4. Didn’t we visit

  5. Wasn’t I cooking

  6. Don’t they speak

  7. Aren’t you going / Won’t you go

სავარჯიშო 63
  1. aren’t you

  2. will / would / can / could you

  3. can they

  4. does she

  5. don’t we

  6. can’t he

  7. shall we

  8. has she

  9. shouldn’t we

  10. hasn’t he

  11. aren’t I

  12. isn’t it

  13. didn’t they

  14. did they

  15. will / would / can / could you

  16. isn’t it

  17. will you

  18. are you

სავარჯიშო 64
  1. Is she

  2. Has she

  3. Won’t they

  4. Is he

  5. Did we

  6. Is she

  7. Have they

  8. Hasn’t he

  9. Will she

  10. Can they

სავარჯიშო 65.1
  1. I / we did

  2. you shouldn’t

  3. I’m not

  4. you may not

  5. I haven’t

  6. it isn’t

  7. I won’t

  8. we didn’t

  9. it isn’t

  10. I haven’t

  11. I’m not

  12. I have

  13. I can’t

  14. I don’t

სავარჯიშო 65.2
  1. “I’m afraid not.”

  2. “I hope so.”

  3. “I don’t believe so.”

  4. “I think not.” / “I don’t think so.”

  5. “I think so.” / “I don’t think so.”

  6. “I guess not.”

  7. “I hope so.”

  8. “I’m afraid not.”

  9. “I expect so.” / “I don’t expect so.”

  10. “I suppose so.” / “I suppose not.”

სავარჯიშო 65.3
  1. D

  2. I

  3. H

  4. G

  5. E

  6. A

  7. F

  8. K

  9. B

  10. J

  11. C

სავარჯიშო 65.4
  1. Neither / Nor can

  2. Neither / Nor did

  3. So does

  4. Neither / Nor have

  5. So is

  6. Neither / Nor did

  7. So can

  8. Neither / Nor will

  9. Neither / Nor have

  10. Neither / Nor does

  11. So has

  12. Neither / Nor are

სავარჯიშო 67.1
  1. some

  2. a

  3. some

  4. Ø; Ø

  5. a

  6. Ø

  7. a

  8. some

  9. Ø; Ø

  10. some

  11. some

  12. some

  13. some / Ø

  14. Ø

  15. a / some

  16. Ø

  17. a

  18. some

  19. some

  20. some / Ø

  21. a / some

  22. Ø; Ø

  23. a

  24. a

  25. a

  26. a

  27. some

  28. Ø; Ø

  29. some / Ø

  30. Ø

  31. Ø; a

  32. a

სავარჯიშო 67.2
  1. beer; beers

  2. glasses; glass

  3. iron; irons

  4. rooms; room

  5. experiences; experience

  6. Time; times

სავარჯიშო 68
  1. box

  2. bars

  3. can / bottle

  4. bunch / set

  5. bit / piece

  6. liters

  7. pack

  8. herd

  9. school

  10. pair

  11. loaves

  12. group

  13. deck / pack

  14. kilos

  15. pair

  16. piece

  17. piece / bit

  18. jar

  19. pride

  20. pair

სავარჯიშო 69
  1. pictures

  2. zoos

  3. buses

  4. radios

  5. tomatoes

  6. teeth

  7. days

  8. waters

  9. leaves

  10. boxes

  11. balls

  12. means

  13. cliffs

  14. scarves

  15. photos

  16. children

  17. women

  18. toys

  19. bushes

  20. churches

  21. fish

  22. loaves

  23. mouses

  24. deer

  25. babies

  26. knives

  27. tables

  28. people

  29. peoples

  30. sheep

  31. mice

  32. fishes

  33. feet

  34. series

  35. mosquitos / mosquitoes

სავარჯიშო 70
  1. involves

  2. works

  3. are

  4. train / trains

  5. play

  6. are searching

  7. are

  8. wears

  9. is / are listening

  10. is flying

  11. is

  12. has already made

  13. is

  14. go

  15. is / was

  16. requires

  17. hasn’t reviewed

  18. sounds

  19. is

  20. isn’t

სავარჯიშო 71.1
  1. Maria’s

  2. team’s

  3. computer

  4. actresses’

  5. lion’s

  6. novels

  7. door

  8. jury’s

  9. researchers’

  10. Camera

  11. water

  12. hotels

სავარჯიშო 71.2
  1. The student’s book

  2. The experts’ opinion

  3. The children’s toys

  4. The doctor’s advice

  5. My grandparents’ house

  6. The committee’s decision

  7. Monet’s paintings

  8. The company’s new strategy

  9. The athletes’ dedication

  10. the young comedian’s jokes

სავარჯიშო 71.3
  1. sky

  2. brother’s

  3. sister’s

  4. Peter’s

  5. technology

  6. winter

  7. dad’s

სავარჯიშო 72.1
  1. He wants to be an astronaut when he grows up.

  2. The New York Subway can transport up to a million people in an hour.

  3. Water is essential for life.

  4. He found an old coin in the garden.

  5. Look around in the cupboard and see if you can find a crayon.

  6. We need to buy a new car and a motorcycle.

  7. Can you give me advice on my project?

  8. It’s not just an ordinary day. It’s my birthday!

  9. Could you please pass me an apple and an orange from the fruit basket?

  10. She bought an umbrella and a raincoat yesterday.

  11. Why are you returning the device? Does it have a defect?

  12. He is an engineer and an inventor.

  13. She showed incredible courage during the crisis.

სავარჯიშო 72.2
  1. some

  2. an

  3. a

  4. a

  5. some

  6. a

  7. some

  8. a; a

  9. a

  10. some

  11. some

  12. An

  13. some

  14. some

  15. some

  16. some

  17. a

სავარჯიშო 72.3
  1. an

  2. some / Ø

  3. an

  4. Ø

  5. Ø

  6. an

  7. Ø

  8. some / Ø

  9. a

  10. some / Ø

  11. a

  12. a

  13. some / Ø

  14. an

  15. some / Ø

  16. a

  17. a / Ø

  18. a

  19. a

  20. some / Ø

  21. some / Ø

  22. a

  23. an

  24. some / Ø

სავარჯიშო 73.1
  1. a

  2. the

  3. a

  4. an

  5. a

  6. a

  7. a

  8. a

  9. the

  10. a

  11. the

  12. a

  13. an

  14. a

  15. a

  16. a

  17. a

  18. an

სავარჯიშო 73.2
  1. a; a; The; the

  2. The; Ø; The; an

  3. Ø; the

  4. a; an; The; an

  5. the

  6. The; the

  7. the; the

  8. Ø

  9. The; Ø

  10. the; the

  11. the; the; The; Ø

  12. the; the

  13. the; the

  14. the; a / the

  15. The

  16. a; a; the

  17. the; the

  18. The

  19. a; the

  20. the

  21. the

  22. The; the

  23. The; the; the

  24. The

  25. the; the

  26. The; the

  27. The; the; the

  28. the; the

  29. The; the; Ø; Ø

  30. the; the

  31. the

  32. the

  33. The

  34. the

  35. the

სავარჯიშო 74
  1. the; the

  2. the

  3. an

  4. a

  5. The; the; the

  6. a; the; a

  7. the

  8. The; the

  9. the; a

  10. The

  11. Ø; a

  12. Ø

  13. a/the; a; Ø

  14. the; the

  15. The; the; the

  16. The; the

  17. The; the

  18. the; a

  19. The

  20. The

  21. the; Ø

  22. the; Ø

  23. the; Ø

  24. the; a

  25. the

სავარჯიშო 75
  1. Ø; Ø

  2. Ø

  3. the / Ø

  4. The

  5. the

  6. His; Ø

  7. Ø

  8. a

  9. The

  10. The

  11. a

  12. the

  13. Ø

  14. Ø

  15. Ø; my

  16. The

  17. Ø

  18. Ø

სავარჯიშო 76
  1. The

  2. Ø

  3. Ø

  4. The

  5. The

  6. Ø

  7. The

  8. the

  9. Ø

  10. Ø

სავარჯიშო 77.1
  1. Ø; the

  2. the

  3. The

  4. The

  5. Ø

  6. the

  7. The; Ø

  8. Ø; Ø

  9. The; the; the

  10. the

  11. the

  12. Ø

  13. Ø; the

  14. The; the

  15. Ø; the

  16. the

  17. Ø; Ø

  18. The; Ø; Ø; the

  19. The

  20. The; the

  21. The; Ø; Ø

  22. The; the

  23. Ø

  24. the

  25. The; Ø

სავარჯიშო 77.2
  1. Water is essential for living organisms.

  2. There’s a book on the shelf that I’d like to read.

  3. The University of Oxford is one of the oldest universities in the world.

  4. Paris is the biggest city in France.

  5. We had a delicious dinner at the Italian restaurant I told you about.

  6. There is a book on the table. The book is old.

  7. She got a job offer from the BBC.

  8. They live in a small house and have a garden. The garden is filled with flowers.

  9. They are staying at the Sheraton Hotel during their vacation in Hawaii.

  10. I saw a bear during the camping trip last weekend.

  11. The Persian Gulf is located between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula.

  12. The king of the United Kingdom addressed the nation last week.

  13. The Washington Post is a prominent newspaper.

  14. Can you grab me a pen from the drawer?

  15. The south of France is renowned for its sunny climate and exquisite cuisine.

  16. I’m going to the beach this weekend to relax.

  17. During the pandemic, the World Health Organization shared daily statistics about the virus.

  18. We saw a shooting star last night.

  19. The Empire State Building is an iconic skyscraper.

  20. She’s the only person I know who can play the piano so beautifully.

  21. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world.

  22. Music can cause strong emotions in people.

  23. The Sydney Opera House is an architectural marvel located in Australia.

  24. She owns a car and a bicycle. The car is faster, but the bicycle is more eco-friendly.

სავარჯიშო 78
  1. mine; yours

  2. theirs; ours

  3. my; yours

  4. Her; mine

  5. Their; its

  6. their

  7. her

  8. He’s; his

  9. our; theirs

  10. our

  11. My; mine

  12. It’s; He’s; his

სავარჯიშო 79.1
  1. herself

  2. yourself / yourselves

  3. ourselves

  4. yourself

  5. yourselves

  6. myself

  7. myself

  8. himself

  9. themselves

  10. himself

  11. yourselves

  12. itself

სავარჯიშო 79.2
  1. on her own

  2. on his own

  3. on our own

  4. on my own

  5. on their own

  6. on its own

სავარჯიშო 80
  1. this

  2. those; those

  3. that

  4. this; that

  5. that

სავარჯიშო 81
  1. few

  2. few / a few

  3. a few

  4. a few

  5. a little

  6. a little

  7. a few

  8. few

  9. a little

  10. few

  11. little

  12. a few

სავარჯიშო 82
  1. many

  2. much / a lot of

  3. so many / such a lot of

  4. much

  5. a lot of / lots of

  6. much

  7. a lot of

  8. many

  9. many / a lot of

  10. much

  11. a lot of

  12. many

  13. much

  14. many / a lot of

  15. many

  16. many

  17. a lot of

  18. lots of / many

  19. so much / such a lot of

  20. many

სავარჯიშო 83.1
  1. any

  2. some

  3. any

  4. any

  5. some

  6. any

  7. some

  8. any

  9. any

  10. any

  11. some

  12. any

  13. some

  14. some

  15. some

  16. any

სავარჯიშო 83.2
  1. someone / somebody

  2. anywhere

  3. anything

  4. somewhere

  5. someone

  6. anything

  7. somewhere / anywhere

  8. anywhere

  9. somebody

  10. anywhere

  11. someone / anyone

  12. anything

  13. something

  14. something

  15. somewhere

  16. anything

  17. Anybody

  18. anything

  19. somebody / anybody

  20. anyone

სავარჯიშო 84
  1. no

  2. anything

  3. any

  4. none

  5. anybody

  6. None

  7. No one / Nobody

  8. none

  9. No one

  10. nowhere

სავარჯიშო 85
  1. Each / Every

  2. each

  3. Each

  4. was

  5. Every

  6. each / every

  7. has

  8. Every

სავარჯიშო 86.1
  1. Neither

  2. Both

  3. Either

  4. either

  5. Both

  6. Neither

  7. Both

სავარჯიშო 86.2
  1. or

  2. nor

  3. and

  4. and

  5. nor

  6. or

სავარჯიშო 87
  1. Most

  2. Some

  3. all

  4. Some

  5. all

  6. all

  7. Every

  8. Some

  9. all

  10. Most

სავარჯიშო 88
  1. None

  2. Most

  3. either

  4. Neither

  5. any

  6. is

  7. One

  8. fits / fit

  9. None

  10. Some

  11. is / are

  12. any

  13. Half

  14. Both

  15. all the / all of the

  16. Some / Most

  17. All

  18. were

  19. are

  20. All

სავარჯიშო 89
  1. one

  2. one

  3. one

  4. some

  5. some

  6. ones

  7. some

  8. ones

  9. ones

  10. one

სავარჯიშო 90
  1. It

  2. There; it

  3. There; It

  4. There

  5. It

  6. It

  7. There; It

  8. There

  9. It

  10. It; it

სავარჯიშო 92.1
  1. afford

  2. help

  3. allowed

  4. managed

  5. remind

  6. pretend

  7. want

  8. has been learning

  9. offered

  10. deserve / have deserved

სავარჯიშო 92.2
  1. to invest

  2. to submit

  3. to understand

  4. to compromise

  5. to accept

  6. to join

  7. to be

  8. to start

  9. to respect

  10. to thank

სავარჯიშო 92.3
  1. Ø

  2. Ø

  3. her children / Ø

  4. us

  5. Ø

  6. him / Ø

  7. Ø

  8. their parents

  9. you / Ø

  10. Ø

  11. students

  12. him / Ø

სავარჯიშო 92.4
  1. to

  2. to

  3. to

  4. (to)

  5. to

  6. (to)

  7. to

სავარჯიშო 93.1
  1. avoid

  2. are considering

  3. enjoys / enjoyed

  4. recommend

  5. denied

  6. can’t help

  7. mind

  8. risked

  9. kept

სავარჯიშო 93.2
  1. eating

  2. spending

  3. managing

  4. moving

  5. going

  6. cooking

  7. cleaning

  8. playing

  9. watching

სავარჯიშო 93.3
  1. painting

  2. to study

  3. eating

  4. tell

  5. forgetting

  6. apologize

  7. going

  8. to meet

  9. smoking

სავარჯიშო 93.4
  1. launching

  2. to meet

  3. to go

  4. to see

  5. writing

  6. spending

  7. to know

  8. losing

  9. to be

  10. cooking

  11. doing

  12. to win

  13. to speak

  14. implementing

  15. forgetting

  16. playing

  17. to participate

  18. to expand

  19. to make

  20. to go

  21. to take

  22. to stay

სავარჯიშო 94.1
  1. getting up / to get up

  2. writing

  3. to drive

  4. teaching / to teach

  5. to visit

  6. listening

  7. breaking

  8. eating

  9. playing

  10. watching

  11. to move

  12. reading

  13. being

სავარჯიშო 94.2
  1. voting; to vote

  2. killing; to kill

  3. to live; living

  4. seeing; to see

  5. destroying; to destroy

  6. to rest; resting

  7. having; to have

სავარჯიშო 95
  1. to find

  2. to solve

  3. to make

  4. to maintain

  5. to save

  6. to attend

  7. to remember

  8. to quit

  9. to learn

  10. to complete

სავარჯიშო 96
  1. A

  2. D

  3. F

  4. E

  5. C

  6. H

  7. B

  8. G

სავარჯიშო 97
  1. I’m wondering who to ask for help with this assignment.

  2. They’re discussing when to schedule the meeting.

  3. Can you tell me how to use this software?

  4. I’m considering whether to switch to a different job.

  5. I’m not sure what to wear to the interview.

  6. We’re trying to decide which book to discuss in the next meeting.

  7. She doesn’t know how to solve the problem.

  8. Do you know where to buy tickets for the concert?

  9. She isn’t sure who to ask for help.

  10. She’s uncertain whether to accept the job offer or not.

სავარჯიშო 98
  1. going

  2. painting

  3. interupting

  4. managing

  5. waiting

  6. achieving

  7. running

  8. learning

  9. making

სავარჯიშო 99.1
  1. waking

  2. had already gotten

  3. drink

  4. am getting

  5. living

  6. go

  7. was getting used to

სავარჯიშო 99.2
  1. eating

  2. visit

  3. be

  4. play

  5. hearing

  6. travel

  7. own

  8. waking up

სავარჯიშო 99.3
  1. used to; was used to; got used to; is used to

  2. wasn’t used to; got used to; gotten used to

  3. used to; wasn’t used to; is getting used to

  4. used to; is / has gotten used to; got / has gotten used to; is used to

  5. wasn’t used to; get used to; is / has gotten used to

სავარჯიშო 100

(სავარაუდო პასუხები)

  1. wearing

  2. waking up

  3. solving

  4. receiving; accepting

  5. understanding

  6. arguing

  7. falling

  8. speaking

  9. worrying

  10. finding

სავარჯიშო 101
  1. Volunteering

  2. Learning

  3. Traveling

  4. Watching; attending

  5. Painting

  6. Swimming

სავარჯიშო 102.1
  1. playing

  2. skiing

  3. reading

  4. cooking

  5. jogging

  6. dancing

  7. traveling

  8. singing

  9. celebrating

სავარჯიშო 102.2
  1. barking

  2. go off

  3. put / putting

  4. standing

  5. win

  6. moving

სავარჯიშო 102.3
  1. going

  2. Writing

  3. leaving

  4. to learn

  5. to see

  6. to start

  7. to go

  8. to pay off

  9. to read

  10. complaining

  11. to learn

  12. to invest

  13. discussing

  14. to finish

  15. staying

  16. running

  17. writing

  18. winning

  19. Learning

  20. to figure out

  21. stay up

  22. cook / cooking

  23. giving

  24. barking

  25. to buy

  26. accepting

  27. competing

  28. trying

  29. losing

  30. sharing

  31. painting / to paint

  32. laugh

  33. Playing; singing

  34. being

  35. studying

  36. shopping

  37. see

  38. to travel

  39. handling

  40. buying

სავარჯიშო 104
  1. drop

  2. get

  3. bleeds

  4. does it melt

  5. don’t get

  6. put

  7. don’t eat

  8. is

  9. falls

  10. does it spoil?

სავარჯიშო 105.1
  1. win

  2. study; will pass

  3. won’t have

  4. go

  5. Will you travel

  6. will start; arrives

  7. postpone

  8. doesn’t apologize

  9. don’t tell him

  10. see; give

  11. finish

  12. will you do

სავარჯიშო 105.2
  1. will burn

  2. is

  3. don’t wear

  4. go

  5. Will you join

  6. turns

  7. will accept

  8. works

  9. will feel

  10. does it rust

სავარჯიშო 105.3
  1.  ✓

  2.  ✓

  3.  ✓

სავარჯიშო 106.1
  1. had

  2. were / was

  3. practiced

  4. offered

  5. won; would travel

  6. would reduce; were / was

  7. go

  8. would visit

  9. knew

  10. started

სავარჯიშო 106.2
  1. If you had a car, you would travel.

  2. He would act on it if he knew the truth.

  3. They would meet us for dinner if they didn’t have other plans.

  4. I would go to the party if I were / was invited.

  5. She would buy the dress if it fit well.

  6. We could go out for Italian food if my partner liked pasta.

  7. If I had enough information, I would / could help with the project.

  8. They would take the flight if it weren’t / wasn’t so expensive.

სავარჯიშო 106.3
  1. became

  2. will / can become

  3. study / studied

  4. go; order

  5. don’t water

  6. would go

  7. don’t like

  8. order

  9. rains

  10. will buy

  11. liked

  12. weren’t / wasn’t

სავარჯიშო 107.1
  1. had fit

  2. would have attended

  3. had taken; have gotten

  4. have enjoyed; had brought

  5. would have prepared

  6. wouldn’t have missed

  7. have helped

  8. would have won

  9. had checked; would have seen

სავარჯიშო 107.2
  1. If she had heard the alarm, she wouldn’t have been late for work.

  2. The team wouldn’t have lost the game if they had played well.

  3. If he hadn’t forgotten his wife’s birthday. she wouldn’t have been upset.

  4. If I had studied for the test, I would have passed.

  5. They wouldn’t have gotten wet in the rain if they had taken an umbrella.

სავარჯიშო 107.3
  1. respected

  2. forgets

  3. have gone; hadn’t rained

  4. had known

  5. won’t live

  6. has

  7. leave

  8. would have baked; had realized

  9. improves

  10. would help

  11. does it turn

  12. have held

  13. had studied

  14. don’t brush

  15. wouldn’t have used

  16. will return

  17. would enjoy

  18. had known

  19. lived

სავარჯიშო 108
  1. Water doesn’t boil if it doesn’t reach 100 degrees Celsius.

  2. I wouldn’t have gone to the concert if I hadn’t been given free tickets.

  3. Your phone doesn’t charge unless it is plugged in.

  4. The plant will die unless you water it regularly.

  5. He wouldn’t sell his car if he didn’t really need the money.

  6. Unless I had lost my passport, I would have traveled last summer.

  7. They can’t lose weight if they don’t stop eating junk food.

  8. I’ll go for a run if it doesn’t start to rain.

  9. I wouldn’t worry unless it was something serious.

  10. He wouldn’t have apologized unless he had realized his mistake.

სავარჯიშო 109
  1. if

  2. in case

  3. unless

  4. in case

  5. in case

  6. if

  7. in case

  8. if

  9. in case

  10. in case

  11. unless

  12. in case

სავარჯიშო 110.1
  1. were / was

  2. had

  3. spoke / could speak

  4. would arrive

  5. understood

  6. could go

  7. hadn’t stayed

  8. could pass

  9. would turn down

  10. played / could play

  11. had taken

  12. were / was lying

  13. would stop

  14. didn’t have to

  15. had told

  16. were traveling

  17. had listened

  18. didn’t get

სავარჯიშო 110.2
  1. I wish I weren’t / wasn’t allergic to cats.

  2. If only I could afford to travel around the world.

  3. I wish I didn’t have to move to a new city.

  4. If only it wouldn’t rain tomorrow.

  5. If only I had air conditioning.

  6. I wish I weren’t / wasn’t going to the mountains tomorrow.

  7. I wish I hadn’t spent all my savings.

  8. I wish I had taken more photos when I was on holiday.

  9. If only I had my own car.

  10. I wish I could / were able to cook.

  11. I wish I had taken a writing class.

სავარჯიშო 112
  1. fascinating long

  2. beautiful new Italian leather

  3. classic  British racing

  4. large blue cotton

  5. new outdoor

  6. Egyptian gold

  7. camouflaged military

  8. big old green American

  9. nice tiny blue plastic

  10. beautiful Swiss

  11. lovely big old

  12. spooky old dark

სავარჯიშო 113
  1. boring

  2. interested

  3. annoyed

  4. amusing; frustrated

  5. excited

  6. terrified

  7. relaxing; relaxed

  8. engaging

  9. surprised

  10. inspiring

  11. depressing

  12. embarrassed

  13. tired

  14. distracting

  15. confused

  16. disappointed

სავარჯიშო 114.1
  1. happily

  2. easily

  3. fast

  4. well

  5. early

  6. perfectly

  7. terribly

  8. hard

  9. wonderfully

  10. fully

  11. cheerfully

  12. attentively

  13. suddenly

  14. simply

სავარჯიშო 114.2
  1. closely

  2. delicious

  3. fine

  4. deeply

  5. healthily

  6. hard

  7. fast; straight

  8. happily

  9. late

  10. beautifully

  11. deep

  12. highly

  13. lately

  14. free

  15. wrong

  16. last

  17. slowly

  18. high

  19. hardly

  20. wrongly

  21. freely

  22. finely

  23. close

სავარჯიშო 114.3
  1. The teacher explained the lesson clearly.

  2. The teacher clearly explained the lesson.

  3. She painted the portrait skillfully.

  4. She skillfully painted the portrait.

  5. The dog barked loudly.

  6. The dog loudly barked.

  7. She always spoke softly.

  8. Mark strongly advised taking this course.

  9. Mark advised taking this course strongly.

  10. The artist drew the landscape realistically.

  11. The artist realistically drew the landscape.

სავარჯიშო 115
  1. The children played in the park happily. | The children happily played in the park.

  2. The journalist often interviews celebrities.

  3. The students answered the questions confidently. | The students confidently answered the questions.

  4. Let’s meet in the park tomorrow afternoon.

  5. He waters the plants in the greenhouse carefully every day. | He carefully waters the plants in the greenhouse every day.

  6. She studies quietly at the library in the mornings. | She quietly studies at the library in the mornings.

  7. The children ran around the garden all afternoon.

  8. The birds always fly south in winter.

  9. He waits patiently at the bus stop every morning. | He patiently waits at the bus stop every morning.

  10. She ran upstairs immediately. | She immediately ran upstairs.

სავარჯიშო 116
  1. Unfortunately

  2. Honestly

  3. luckily

  4. obviously

  5. Hopefully

  6. Clearly

სავარჯიშო 117.1
  1. wrong

  2. beautiful

  3. dirty / filthy

  4. freezing

  5. hideous

  6. good

  7. funny

  8. nice / amazing

  9. exhausting / tiring

  10. delicious / tasty

  11. unbearable

  12. big / enormous

  13. stunning

  14. entertaining / fun

  15. difficult

  16. impossible

  17. easy / difficult

  18. brilliant

  19. fascinating

  20. cold / freezing

  21. enjoyable / fun

  22. exhausted

სავარჯიშო 117.2
  1. very

  2. fairly

  3. a bit

  4. pretty

  5. absolutely

  6. quite / almost

  7. really

  8. very

  9. kind of

  10. a little

  11. rather / entirely

  12. extremely

  13. extremely

  14. really; very / pretty

  15. quite / entirely

  16. very

  17. pretty

  18. nearly

  19. completely

  20. quite / absolutely

სავარჯიშო 118.1
  1. better

  2. stronger

  3. catchier

  4. faster

  5. more efficiently

  6. taller

  7. thinner

  8. happier

  9. harder

  10. more fluently

  11. bigger

  12. more loudly

  13. more exciting

  14. more delicious

  15. nicer

  16. colder

  17. more clearly

  18. further

  19. more quickly

  20. more compact

  21. sadder

  22. more confident

სავარჯიშო 118.2
  1. cheaper / less expensive

  2. colder; than

  3. less crowded / more spacious

  4. longer than

  5. much less interesting than

  6. shorter

სავარჯიშო 118.3
  1. very

  2. slightly / much

  3. totally

  4. extremely

  5. much

  6. quite

  7. no / much

  8. even

  9. a lot

  10. really / pretty

  11. far

  12. far / much

  13. absolutely

სავარჯიშო 119.1
  1. (the) highest

  2. the largest

  3. the most beautiful

  4. (the) most accurately

  5. the tallest

  6. (the) fastest

  7. the oldest

  8. The simplest

  9. the coldest

  10. the most interesting

  11. the highest

  12. (the) most politely

  13. The simplest

  14. the most accessible

  15. (the) most creatively

  16. the driest

  17. (the) most softly

  18. the most expensive

  19. (the) most quickly

  20. the most shocking

  21. the most comfortable

  22. the most qualified

სავარჯიშო 119.2
  1. the most delicious steak I have ever eaten

  2. the most beautiful garden in the city

  3. the most impressive performance I’ve ever seen

  4. the most moving book I’ve ever read

  5. the most exciting ending of all the novels I’ve read

  6. the most delicious dessert I’ve ever tried

სავარჯიშო 119.3
  1. by far / possibly

  2. a lot

  3. far / much

  4. far

  5. very

  6. easily / by far

  7. slightly

  8. pretty

  9. much

  10. possibly

  11. utterly

  12. no / much

  13. a lot

  14. by far

  15. by far

  16. even

სავარჯიშო 120.1
  1. not as cold as

  2. as delicious as

  3. as fast as

  4. as quickly as

  5. not as difficult as

  6. as crowded as

  7. not as impressive as

  8. as fluently as

სავარჯიშო 120.2
  1. darker and darker

  2. more and more beautifully

  3. stronger and stronger

  4. less and less passionate

  5. louder and louder

სავარჯიშო 120.3
  1. The fresher

  2. older; harder

  3. The more regularly

  4. the more independent

  5. The more

სავარჯიშო 121
  1. such

  2. such

  3. so

  4. such

  5. so

  6. such

  7. so

  8. so

  9. so

  10. so

  11. so

  12. such

სავარჯიშო 122.1
  1. too loud

  2. confident enough

  3. too late

  4. too expensive

  5. old enough

  6. too shy

  7. loudly enough

  8. too difficult

  9. too quickly

  10. long enough

სავარჯიშო 122.2
  1. enough

  2. so

  3. so

  4. too

  5. such

  6. too

  7. enough

  8. such

  9. enough

  10. so

  11. too

  12. enough

  13. too; such

სავარჯიშო 122.3
  1. early

  2. fastest

  3. hotter

  4. more advanced

  5. fast

  6. more colorful

  7. more quickly

  8. most advanced

  9. easier

  10. younger

  11. cleverer / more clever; quickly

  12. cold

  13. happily

  14. shorter

  15. tough

  16. more beautifully

  17. hot

  18. cold

  19. more interesting

  20. (the) most quickly

  21. sure

  22. less engaging

  23. longer

  24. busier

  25. excited

  26. happily

  27. longer

  28. more colorful

  29. warm

  30. tall

  31. new

  32. the most reliable

  33. tired

  34. (the) most effectively

  35. farthest / furthest

  36. most effective

სავარჯიშო 123.1
  1. My boss said (that) his / her team had done a great job.

  2. The artist said (that) he / she was painting a new landscape at that moment.

  3. She said (that) she lived there.

  4. She said (that) she had been feeling a little sick.

  5. The scientist said (that) they were researching new technologies then.

  6. The traveler said (that) she / he had traveled to many countries.

  7. The chef said (that) she / he was preparing the meal.

  8. She said (that) she was moving to London next year.

  9. She said (that) she didn’t see / hadn’t seen him there the previous day / the day before.

  10. The tourist said (that) she / he had seen the Eiffel Tower.

  11. The student said (that) she / he would have finished her / his essay by the next / following day.

  12. The scientist said (that) they had discovered a new element.

  13. He said (that) he was living / had been living in New York five years before.

  14. The teacher said (that) they would start the lesson right at that time.

  15. He said (that) he found / had found his old notebook there the previous week.

  16. He said (that) he would meet me / us at the cafe in two hours.

სავარჯიშო 123.2
  1. there; after

  2. go there; take

  3. told; that night

  4. that

  5. that day

  6. said; the next / the following

  7. those

  8. those; they; the next / the following

  9. next / following

  10. before

  11. that; her; she; me; it

  12. then / at that time

  13. previous

  14. told; previous

  15. before

  16. the next / the following

  17. then / at that time; that

  18. they; their; the previous

სავარჯიშო 124
  1. The teacher said (that) the Earth revolves around the Sun.

  2. She says (that) she has finished her homework.

  3. He said (that) he works every day.

  4. A year ago, the scientist said (that) he / she was making a significant discovery.

  5. The tourist said (that) he / she visited / had visited the museum.

  6. She said on Monday (that) she would finish her homework that night.

  7. The scientist said (that) light travels faster than sound.

  8. He said last month (that) he was moving to a new city the next / following week.

  9. The nutritionist said (that) drinking water is essential for staying hydrated.

  10. She said (that) she had found the solution to the problem.

  11. The athlete said (that) he / she will win the next race. Let’s see.

  12. When I met him, he said (that) he had been waiting for hours.

  13. She always says (that) she is not an expert, she just knows what she knows.

  14. They are saying (that) they are planning to buy a new house.

სავარჯიშო 125
  1. He said (that) I / we shouldn’t worry too much about the test.

  2. He said (that) he can / could swim very fast.

  3. They said (that) they might visit Paris the next / following summer.

  4. Last week, the teacher said (that) I / we had to complete the assignment by Friday.

  5. My friend says (that) he / she can’t come to the party.

  6. She said (that) she might visit Rome next / the next summer.

სავარჯიშო 126
  1. She asked where I bought / had bought that dress.

  2. She asked if she should open the window.

  3. She asked how that machine worked.

  4. The child asked when we will / would go to the park.

  5. The manager asked (me) if they had completed the report.

  6. Last week, she asked what I was / we were doing that weekend.

  7. Last week, the coach asked if I / we could play in the match on Saturday.

  8. During the interview, the interviewer asked why I wanted to work there.

  9. On Monday, she asked if it would rain the next day.

სავარჯიშო 127
  1. The teacher asked us to hand in our assignments the next / following day.

  2. The coach told me / us to run faster.

  3. He told me / us not to talk during the presentation.

  4. He asked me / us not to be late for the meeting.

  5. The boss told me / us to finish the report by Friday.

  6. He told me / us not to touch that painting.

  7. She asked Mark / me to close the window.

სავარჯიშო 128.1
  1. who

  2. which

  3. who

  4. which

  5. who

  6. which

სავარჯიშო 128.2
  1. The movie we watched last night was exciting.

  2.  ✓

  3.  ✓

  4. She’s the teacher all the students really respect and admire.

  5.  ✓

  6.  ✓

  7.  ✓

  8. The phone I just bought is already out of date.

სავარჯიშო 128.3
  1. (that / which) I left in the kitchen

  2. (that / which) I ordered online

  3. that / who called today

  4. that / which was barking all night

  5. (that / which) you are writing about

  6. (that / which) my brother made

  7. hat (that / which) you are wearing

  8. (that / who) I planned the trip with

  9. (that / which) you have been writing

  10. that / who received an award

სავარჯიშო 129.1
  1. Mr. Johnson, who is a renowned author, will be signing books at the library today.

  2. Sarah, who I went to university with, has just published her first novel.

  3. Niagara Falls, which is one of the natural wonders of the world, attracts millions of visitors each year.

  4. Lake Baikal, which is located in Siberia, is the deepest lake in the world.

  5. The science museum, which we visited during our trip, had a fascinating exhibit on robotics.

  6. The new student, who comes from Brazil, speaks five languages.

სავარჯიშო 129.2
  1. which

  2. who / that

  3. which

  4. which / that

  5. which

  6. who

  7. which / that

სავარჯიშო 130.1
  1. when

  2. whose

  3. that / which

  4. whose

  5. that / which

  6. where

  7. which

  8. that / who

  9. where

  10. which

  11. which

  12. where

  13. who

  14. who

  15. when

სავარჯიშო 130.2
  1. what

  2. that

  3. that

  4. that

  5. what

  6. what

  7. what

  8. that

სავარჯიშო 130.3
  1. whose articles have won awards

  2. whose brother works in your company

  3. that / which serves the best seafood

  4. which was published last year, was a

  5. where I grew up

  6. whose work focuses on wildlife

  7. (that / which) he seems very happy with

  8. when we will receive the results

  9. that / which has an extensive collection of Egyptian artifacts

  10. where we first met

  11. that / which was scheduled for Friday

  12. which I bought last year, has already become outdated

  13. what he said

  14. whose son is in my class

  15. wallet, which I always keep in my bag

  16. (that / which) she recommended was very useful

  17. critical acclaim across the board, which is rare for a directorial debut

სავარჯიშო 131
  1. The documents required for the application are in the folder.

  2. The people waiting outside are reporters.

  3. The song sung by the choir were very moving.

  4. The woman working at the library is my friend.

  5. The students studying in the library are preparing for exams.

  6. The buildings damaged in the storm are being repaired.

  7. This painting, created by Van Gogh, is worth millions.

  8. The professor teaching quantum physics is a genius.

სავარჯიშო 132
  1. or

  2. and

  3. and

  4. or

  5. or

  6. and

  7. but / yet

  8. or

  9. but / yet

  10. but

სავარჯიშო 133.1
  1. to watch

  2. in order not to miss

  3. to relax / for relaxing

  4. in order not to wake

  5. to catch / in order to catch

  6. to get

  7. for organizing / to organize

  8. to buy / in order to buy

  9. to buy

  10. for growing / to grow

  11. in order not to cause

  12. to paint / for painting

სავარჯიშო 133.2
  1. She is practicing every day (in order) to improve her skills.

  2. We brought umbrellas in order not to get wet in the rain.

  3. They arrived early (in order) to get good seats.

  4. He took notes (in order) to remember the lecture.

  5. We installed a new heater (in order) to be warmer in winter.

  6. They studied the map in order not to get lost.

სავარჯიშო 134.1
  1. of

  2. of

  3. of

სავარჯიშო 134.2
  1. in case we need them for returns

  2. due to a traffic jam

  3. in case your phone runs out of battery

  4. due to eating too much

  5. in case guests come unexpectedly

  6. in case there is traffic

  7. due to a power failure

სავარჯიშო 135
  1. In spite of

  2. although / though

  3. Although

  4. in spite of / despite

  5. however / though

  6. Despite

  7. in spite of

  8. However

  9. in spite of

  10. though

  11. In spite of / despite

  12. However

  13. Although / Even though

  14. However

  15. though

  16. despite

  17. Even though

  18. Though

სავარჯიშო 136.1
  1. so

  2. As a result

  3. so

  4. so

  5. As a result

სავარჯიშო 136.2
  1. so

  2. so that

  3. However

  4. in case

  5. Despite

  6. in order

  7. due to

  8. Although / Though

  9. though / however

  10. As a result

  11. because

  12. although / though

  13. despite

  14. Therefore

  15. in case

  16. because

  17. in order

  18. so

  19. in order

  20. so that

  21. because

  22. though / however

სავარჯიშო 137
  1. at

  2. in; in

  3. in; in

  4. at

  5. in

  6. on

  7. in

  8. at / in

  9. on

  10. in

  11. in

  12. at

  13. in

  14. in

  15. on

  16. on

  17. in

  18. in

  19. at; at; at

  20. at; in

  21. at

  22. on

  23. in

  24. on

  25. in

  26. at

  27. at

  28. in

  29. on

  30. on; on

  31. in

  32. on; in

  33. at

  34. At

  35. in

  36. at

  37. on; on

  38. on; in

  39. at

  40. in

  41. in

  42. at / in

  43. on

  44. on

  45. on

  46. at

  47. on

  48. in

  49. on

  50. in

სავარჯიშო 138.1
  1. under

  2. below

  3. between

  4. among

  5. over

  6. behind

  7. close to

  8. opposite

  9. above

  10. next to

  11. around

სავარჯიშო 138.2
  1. over / above

  2. opposite

  3. under

  4. over

  5. far from

  6. over

  7. between

  8. below

  9. at / beside

  10. between / among

  11. near / close to

  12. in / inside

  13. above

  14. among

  15. next to / by

  16. around

  17. outside / outside of

  18. close to

სავარჯიშო 139.1
  1. on

  2. at

  3. in

  4. on

  5. on

  6. at

  7. at

  8. at

  9. to

  10. to

სავარჯიშო 139.2
  1. to

  2. in / into

  3. around

  4. in

  5. onto

  6. to

  7. at

  8. off

  9. past

  10. at

  11. across

  12. on; in

  13. out of; at

  14. onto / on

  15. outside

  16. along

  17. down / up

  18. over

  19. through

  20. down / along

სავარჯიშო 140
  1. in / into

  2. close to

  3. at

  4. on

  5. in

  6. behind

  7. out of / outside

  8. in

  9. up

  10. across

  11. down

  12. along

  13. along / down

  14. on / onto

  15. under

  16. inside

  17. under

  18. opposite / next to

  19. to

  20. outside / out of

  21. above / over

  22. around

  23. at

  24. among

  25. in

  26. above

  27. off

  28. under

  29. in

  30. at

  31. around

  32. on

  33. over

  34. through

  35. opposite

  36. in

  37. below

  38. past

სავარჯიშო 141
  1. at

  2. at

  3. at

  4. at

  5. In

  6. In

  7. in; in

  8. on; on / at

  9. at

  10. on

  11. on

  12. at

  13. in

  14. on

  15. on

  16. in

  17. At

  18. on

  19. at

  20. at

  21. on

  22. at

  23. in

  24. in

  25. in

  26. on

  27. on

  28. in

  29. in

სავარჯიშო 142
  1. until / till

  2. since

  3. from

  4. from

  5. from / after

  6. before

  7. for

  8. after

  9. during

  10. until

სავარჯიშო 143
  1. of

  2. about

  3. than

  4. against

  5. with

  6. except

  7. because of

  8. without

  9. instead of

  10. for

სავარჯიშო 144
  1. by

  2. In; in

  3. behind

  4. out of

  5. out of

  6. under

  7. in

  8. In

  9. in

  10. under

  11. from

  12. under

  13. To

  14. in

  15. in

  16. in

  17. On

  18. by

  19. on

  20. below

  21. at

  22. In

  23. In

სავარჯიშო 146
  1. to

  2. with

  3. in

  4. for

  5. on

  6. of

  7. of

  8. for

  9. for

  10. from

  11. on

  12. on

  13. to; about

  14. about

  15. for / against

  16. for

  17. on

  18. from

  19. against

  20. for

სავარჯიშო 147
  1. for

  2. on

  3. for

  4. for

  5. of

  6. for

  7. to

  8. of

  9. to

  10. of

  11. to

  12. of

  13. to

  14. between

სავარჯიშო 148
  1. to

  2. at

  3. of

  4. of

  5. on

  6. with

  7. at

  8. at

  9. about

  10. of

  11. for

  12. of

  13. of

  14. of

  15. about

  16. in

  17. to

  18. with

  19. for

  20. about

  21. for

  22. in

  23. of

  24. from

სავარჯიშო 149.1
  1. after

  2. into

  3. off

  4. away with

  5. across

  6. down

  7. out of

  8. at

  9. up with

  10. up

  11. down

  12. over

  13. through

სავარჯიშო 149.2
  1. turned

  2. come

  3. calm

  4. carried

  5. looking

  6. looking

  7. went

  8. look

  9. turned

  10. ran

  11. keep

  12. grew

სავარჯიშო 149.3
  1. up

  2. up

  3. up

  4. off

  5. up

  6. up

  7. up

  8. up

  9. out

  10. off

  11. out

  12. out

  13. off

  14. off

  15. out

სავარჯიშო 149.4
  1.  ✓

  2.  ✓

  3.  ✓

  4.  ✓

სავარჯიშო 149.5
  1. for

  2. in / into

  3. in

  4. on / under

  5. at

  6. down

  7. about

  8. at

  9. to

  10. without

  11. to

  12. in

  13. of

  14. for

  15. since

  16. at

  17. in

  18. behind / on

  19. up

  20. to

სავარჯიშო 150.1
  1. six

  2. second

  3. 4; two

  4. one thousand three hundred and twenty-seven

  5. 11th

  6. thirty; thirty-one; twenty-eight; twenty-nine; 4

  7. fifty thousand

  8. eight billion

  9. 697th

  10. one thousand two hundred and forty-seven; 1,200

  11. 2,024; 1st; 2,019

  12. two billion seven hundred and ninety-seven million eight hundred thousand five hundred and sixty-four

  13. 13,800,000,000

  14. a / one hundred

სავარჯიშო 150.2
  1. a / one half

  2. 3/4

  3. 2/5

  4. eight elevenths

  5. forty-two point one eight nine

  6. seventeen hundredths

  7. 63.1564

  8. zero point zero zero zero one two

  9. one third

  10. 6,800,000,000

სავარჯიშო 150.3
  1. plus / and

  2. times / multiplied by

  3. is / equals / makes

  4. divided by

  5. minus / take away

სავარჯიშო 151
  1. A new law will ban plastic straws nationwide.

  2. A historic peace agreement was / has been signed between the nations.

  3. A local high school won / has won the state championship.

  4. A record heatwave is expected this summer.

  5. The famous museum will undergo a major renovation.

  6. Scientists discovered / have discovered a cure for a rare disease.

  7. A major earthquake struck / has struck the coastal city.

  8. World leaders will meet for the climate summit.

  9. A rare bird species was / has been discovered in the Amazon rainforest.

სავარჯიშო 152
  1. What a

  2. Thank

  3. How

  4. What

  5. so

  6. What

  7. Lucky you! 

  8. Ouch!

  9. What

სავარჯიშო 153.1
  1. Also

  2. However / On the other hand

  3. Actually / In fact

  4. Briefly / Overall

  5. Thus

  6. Meanwhile

  7. On the whole / Overall

  8. If not / Otherwise

  9. Listen / Look

  10. As a result / Therefore

  11. To be honest / If I’m being honest

  12. Clearly / Obviously

  13. Besides / Furthermore

  14. Let me see

  15. In conclusion / To sum up

  16. I mean

  17. Additionally

  18. Afterwards

  19. However

  20. As a result

  21. Without a doubt / Needless to say

  22. Nonetheless / Nevertheless

  23. Moreover

  24. If so

  25. Indeed

  26. Honestly / Frankly

სავარჯიშო 153.2
  1. Meanwhile

  2. In other words

  3. Frankly

  4. Nevertheless

  5. Therefore

  6. In fact

  7. Otherwise

  8. Besides

სავარჯიშო 154
  1. soften

  2. kindness

  3. partnership

  4. modernize / modernise

  5. hopeful

  6. Parenthood

  7. quickly

  8. decisive

  9. endless

  10. simplify

  11. musical

  12. actor

  13. childish

  14. upward(s)

  15. cloudy

  16. performance

  17. width

  18. pianist

  19. clockwise

  20. enjoyable

  21. decision

  22. courageous